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nanoVision Use Cases

Our facial authentication technology serves as an efficient biometric face scanner, catering to a multitude of industries with versatile use cases.

Facial Ticketing

Connect your ticket to your face for effortless entry

With Facial Ticketing, fans have the opportunity to connect their tickets to their face, providing an effortless entry at any entry touchpoint.

Express Entry

Provide hassle free express entry with only single facial scan.


Face As Your Ticket

Visitors do not need to produce any ticket proofs and can use their face to validate entry.


Increase revenue

More time in the premises will lead to increased revenue through auxiliary offerings in the premises.


Shoppers can make purchases using their face, thereby decreasing wait times, boosting consumer expenditure, and eliminating the necessity for physical IDs and credit cards.

Pay via face

Make purchases using your face.


Speed-up purchase

Reduce long waiting lines and user frustration by speeding up purchases via payment by face.


Eliminate cash and cards

Tie face of the user with their wallet and eliminate cash or cards to make a purchase.

Make purchases using your face


Restrict individuals to enter only designated areas

Simplify credential management, mitigate the risk of shared, lost, or stolen credentials, and enhance accountability by restricting individuals to enter only designated areas.

Authorized check-in

Utilize credentials to regulate person entry only to designated areas, enhancing security protocols and minimizing manual oversight.


Visitor Tracking

Track and monitor visitor movements within facilities by assigning unique credentials to each visitor.

Access Control

Eliminate the possibility of lost or misused credentials by substituting a person's ID with their face.

Employee Access
Manage and control employee access at all access touchpoints using facial authentication.

Guest Management
Enable guests to utilize facial recognition for restricted entry to buildings, exclusively within predefined parameters of time and location.

Time & Attendance
Monitor attendance for official purposes and permit time-boxed entry to increase accountability.

Substitute person's ID with their face
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