Why nanoVision?
nanoVision facial authentication technology prioritizes seamless interactions for end users, reducing friction across all touchpoints for access. Our platform not only enhances the experiences of fans, guests, and employees but also provides a hassle-free experience for our customers and their teams, enabling them to leverage existing assets.
Our Goals
Develop robust tools that are ultra-fast to deploy to enhance the efficiency of facility management and bolster security measures.
End user
Craft exceptional event experiences through seamless touchpoints that delight end-users of our facial authentication technology.
Provide top-notch facial authentication solutions that are fast, high-quality, and simple to deploy.
Goals applied
Unified platform - nanoVision offers a centralized platform for all deployments, allowing seamless setup, customization, and management through a single online interface.
Bolster security - Strengthen your security at all access touchpoints using nanoVision facial recognition technology
Fast deployment - nanoVision technology seamlessly integrates with access control hardware and various other systems, making deployment process simpler and faster.
End user
Frictionless access - nanoVision provides best-in-class and frictionless access experience.
Privacy centric - We prioritize privacy - End user data is kept secured with us and will not be shared with any third party.
Reduced frustration - Cut long lines on entry touch point to reduce end user frustration to attend an event or get access to any premises.
Accurate and fast - Our platform excels at swiftly detecting, matching, and authenticating faces with a remarkable accuracy rate of greater than 99%.
Field tested - nanoVision technology has been rigorously tested and validated at large-scale crowded events and corporate premises.
Proprietary technology - All products are developed by our in-house nanoVision team